Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hair Loss

By Stephanie McIntyre

To understand the nature of hair loss it helps to understand the nature of hair. The process of balding and of thinning hair is directly related to the way in which the body produces it. The production of hair is a complex mechanism involving a number of bodily processes.

All hair grows from hair follicles. There are more than a thousand of them on any one head, and over 100,000 hairs on average. Follicles also, with the exception of the soles of the feet, palms of the hand, mucous membranes and lips, cover the entire body. They are just below the skin's surface and are made up of the follicle shaft, papilla and sebaceous glands.

Hair is produced when new, living cells are created at the base of the follicle, which pushes older cells up through the shaft. These older cells die and harden, and this forms the hair shaft. This hair shaft that's made of dead protein cells is covered by a scaly cuticle, which is composed of little plates.

Each hair has cycles of growth and rest. Usually, only about 80% of hair follicles are actively growing at any one time. The other 20% are in the rest, or dormant stage. The longer growth cycle lasts anywhere from 2 to 6 years. The much shorter rest cycle begins after this period, but lasts only a few months. On average, the lifespan of a hair is from 2 to 7 years.
Hair grows about ½ inch a month: more than this in summer and less in winter. After the resting phase the hair is shed as a new shaft is started in the follicle and it pushes the old hair out. This loss and re-growth cycle goes on for our entire lives. We lose from 50 to 100 hairs a day, but this doesn't make a dent in the total. With male or female pattern baldness, more hairs than the normal 50 to 100 can be lost and unfortunately, not replaced. So when significantly more hair is shed than is replaced, the condition we call hair loss or balding occurs.
Hair gets its color from melanin, which is the same pigment that colors the skin, and also the retina. Two forms of melanin are responsible for the color in hair: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin is the pigment type that causes hair to be red or blond, eumelanin causes black, brown, and gray colored hair. It's the little bit of eumelanin in hair without any other pigment that causes hair to be gray. Hair shafts of different colors tend to be on the head in different amounts. Red hairs average about 90,000, brown and black hair about 110,000 and blond hair around 140,000 hairs on the average head.

There also tend to be differences in the average thickness and growth rate of men and women. Men tend to have thicker heads of hair, and their hair usually grows faster.

There are other disorders of the hair besides male and female pattern baldness, though they aren't usually life threatening. Hirsutism is excessive hair growth, usually in women, in places where hair doesn't normally grow. Though not dangerous, it does have cosmetic and possibly psychological and emotional implications. Its cause is an increased level of male hormones.

A healthy diet is important for the maintenance of healthy hair. And there are vitamins that important to hair health, too. Vitamin A helps keep hair dandruff free, and helps hair stay soft and pliable. Vitamin B1 and B6 are essential for the retention of hair: if deficient in them you can start to lose it. Vitamin B12 helps the hair acquire nutrients. And Vitamin C manages hair color and maintains healthy growth.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Postpartum Hair Loss- a Nightmare for Lactating Mums?

Postpartum hair loss is the hair loss noticed after pregnancy. The main reason for postpartum hair loss is the action of hormones that are prevalent during pregnancy. The hormones are produced during pregnancy excessively, which leads to changes in skin and other body parts. Many pregnant women will notice that their hair is a lot thicker than normally.

The postpartum hair loss starts after the birth of the baby since the hair in growth phase of the hair cycle try to attend maturity. After completion of three months, the hair enters into the growth phase and new hair have replaced the old hair. The amount of postpartum hair loss varies between individuals with some women experiencing more shedding than others. In families where the hair thinning is inherited, the shedding of hair is more noticeable after childbirth.

In general the postpartum hair loss lasts for at least six months and then the re-growth of hair is noticed. The majority of women will notice that the hair attains its pre-pregnancy state again within six months after childbirth.

The postpartum hair loss requires no treatment, because it is a temporary transformation in the growth cycle of hair due to hormonal alteration during pregnancy.

In spite of the normal process of postpartum hair loss, the excessive hair falling can be controlled to some extent. Hair will be removed easily due to excessive brushing after childbirth. So it is always advised to avoid excessive brushing. Rubbing preparations into the scalp or taking vitamins may bring some positive results. Postpartum hair loss does occur after every pregnancy.

You can go for wigs of different pattern to hide excessive thinning of hairs due to postpartum hair loss. Since the postpartum hair loss is a temporary condition, it will make your life somewhat better. Since a good wig is found to be too expense, it is up to you to select whether it is required or not.

If you notice excessive postpartum hair loss after giving birth to a baby, hair re-growth can easily be achieved by using hair loss products such as Viviscal, Nisim, Revivogen, and Tricomin. These hair re-grow products are usually available in the form of scalp lotions, conditioner, and shampoos. Hair Renew, a special product for women, cleanses the scalp, neutralizes the DHT and nourishes the hair follicles to prop up healthy hair growth.

Poor nutrition and modern lifestyles can act as a predisposing factor for postpartum hair loss. Adopting stringent dietary pattern can prevent excessive postpartum hair loss. By eating appropriate levels of useful carbohydrates, eating adequate amounts of protein, and achieving a healthy balance of dietary fats, you can achieve a good nutritional status to avoid postpartum hair loss.

Methods to Prevent Hair Loss

Most of the human population consider hair loss as a social embarrassment. Occurrence of hair loss in mid twenties of either sex will definitely affect one’s self-confidence. There are various therapies available to prevent hair loss. Most people are having this question in their mind- How to prevent hair loss?

To prevent hair loss, an individual should select an appropriate treatment that will help him or her. Natural products and conventional drugs are readily available to prevent hair loss. Products like Rogaine and Propecia are used to prevent hair loss.

Nowadays the product Rogaine is used to prevent hair loss, but earlier it has been extensively used to treat high blood pressure. Do not use Rogaine if your scalp has been subject to irritation, or sunburn. Moreover don’t use Rogaine on any other part of the body except your head. To see positive results you will need to continue treatment for at least 3 months.

Propecia was used to treat prostates in its early days. Pregnant women should not take Propecia, because it may cause neonatal anomalies. In fact Propecia should not be taken by women at all! Propecia should be used continuously for three months to prevent hair loss. But this may have a side effect of lack of sex drive and impotency.

Hair Renew is the only product used to prevent hair loss specifically for women. Hair Renew provides three effects viz., nourishes the hair follicles, cleanses the scalp of debris and cleanses the scalp of dirt. Hair Renew neutralizes the DHT found in the scalp to prevent hair loss. The main effect of the DHT, produced from the hormone testosterone, is hair loss and baldness. In order to prevent hair loss, the level of DHT needs to be reduced. During puberty DHT is found in higher level, which is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in human.

Other useful products to prevent hair loss are Follicare, Nisim, FNS (Follicle Nutrient System), Tricomin, Vitalizer, and Revivogen. Follicare is used to prevent hair loss especially in men. Follicare hair re-growth treatments can be achieved with Minoxidil or without Minoxidil. Nisim, Tricomin, and Revivogen are available in the forms of shampoo, sprays and conditioner to prevent hair loss. Tricomin supplies copper directly to the hair follicles to improve hair development. All these products are available separately for oily and dry hair. For best results you need to find out if your hair is dry or oily.

In order to prevent hair loss, select the appropriate drug that has a minimum of side effects. It is always better to consult your doctor before chosing a hair loss products on your own.

Methods of Curing Sudden Hair Loss

The occurrence of hair loss is caused by various reasons. The most important cause for hair loss is genetic i.e. if your mother or father is suffering from hair loss there is a 50:50 possibility that you will suffer from hair loss as well. The main reason for sudden hair loss in an individual is illness or a surgery. Once this illness is healed, the sudden hair loss will get stopped automatically. If a person is suffering from sudden hair loss, his health should be examined immediately to make sure sudden hair loss is not caused by a systemic infection.

Sudden hair loss may also occur when you have undergone a chemotherapy or as a side effect from any other medication. Consult your doctor to find out if your hair loss is a side effect of a drug you are taking. A change in medication may cure the condition of sudden hair loss.

You can suffer from sudden hair loss if you are confronted with severe stress. If you are under severe stress due to a variety of reasons such as pressure at work, pressure at home, you may suffer from sudden hair loss. As soon as the stress is gone, you can immediately see the positive results.

Sudden hair loss is also noticed in the postpartum period of pregnant women. This is mainly due to the sudden withdrawal of hormones after giving birth to a child. Hair stays in the growing phase during pregnancy. This kind of sudden hair loss will get cured automatically without any treatment. Excess combing or brushing may be avoided to prevent excessive loss of hair.

Production of excessive DHT (Dihydro testosterone) in the hair follicles and scalp may also lead to sudden hair loss. Neutralizing the effect or controlling the production of DHT will definitely control the condition. Selection of appropriate medicine such as propecia may be useful wh suffering from sudden hair loss. Apart from this, there are so many products available on the market for neutralizing the effect of DHT, which serve as a cure for sudden hair loss. Folligen hair loss treatment with copper peptide helps a lot to prevent sudden hair loss. Nutrient copper provides thick hair by reducing the hair thinning and full growth of hair along with cure for sudden hair loss..

Follicle Nutrient System (FNS), a new innovative therapy, provides all the important nutrients to the hair follicles directly and avoids wastage of nutrients. This is a non-hormonal therapy. This treatment is to be considered as a best cure for sudden hair loss. The FNS therapy helps the hair to get all essential minerals and vitamins.

As a bottom line, Tricomin Hair Loss Treatment with copper peptides is an important therapy, which provides effective remedial measure for sudden hair loss. This remedy provides nutrient copper to the hair follicles directly for effective cure of sudden hair loss.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Laser Treatment for Hair Loss- A Low Cost Therapy?

Hair loss is considered to be a dreadful condition among all kinds of people. The main cause for hair loss varies from heredity to nutritional deficiency. Other factors that can increase hair loss are stress, drug abuse or alcohol abuse, diet and scalp disorders. At first thinning of hair is noticed in the crown, which is a normal process of ageing.

To improve one’s hair, a lot of people now rely on laser treatment. Laser treatment is used in many places to improve the appearance of hair. Most people suffering from hair loss are pleased by the results of laser treatment.

Although laser treatment for hair loss is available in many areas, the dermatologists are still in dilemma whether it is safe or not. Laser treatment for hair loss is generally performed in exclusive hair clinics. In these clinics they are having large laser devices, which require at least some sittings per month. Hence the use of laser treatment for hair loss is questionable.

Hair transplantation can be performed if the laser treatment for hair loss does not show results. In the male pattern baldness, hair transplantation can be performed. Hair loss due to accidents and operations can also be transplanted.

In order to reduce the cost of laser treatment for hair loss, a modern comb called laser comb is used to treat the hair loss condition. The main advantage of laser comb is that it saves money on laser treatments. Laser comb is the modified laser treatment for hair loss. This is the home version and low expense product when compared to Cosmetic Laser Devices. The laser treatment in hair clinics may cost hundreds of dollars for one sitting. But Laser comb is not expensive and approved by FDA as a cosmetic device for thickening hair appearance. Laser comb can be used as a laser treatment for hair loss in combination with a normal treatment regimen.

Although laser comb is approved by the FDA for the purpose of hair thickening, now the FDA is conducting numerous trials giving approval for hair growth stimulation. Laser light therapy is being used for anti inflammatory effects and wound healing on the skin.

Laser comb utilizes low level laser therapy (LLLT), which emits photo energy. Low-level laser treatment of hair loss is painless and non-toxic.

By using laser comb, you can achieve healthier, fuller, thicker hair. Normally men can’t take their eyes off you, but now women won’t!

How to use Hair Loss Vitamins?

Hair loss is a vital problem faced by millions of people all over the world no matter of age or sex. People who are interacting with other people and have a job related to customer care very often have a bigger problem with losing hair or baldness. Although there are numerous causes for hair loss, dietary insufficiency is found to be a major one. Especially a deficiency in B vitamins- especially B6, inositol, Biotin, and folic acid can resutl in hair loss. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid) and B3 (Niacin) are required for the growth of hair follicle.

In order to cure hair loss, vitamin supplement intake should be performed carefully. Research shows that excessive intake of vitamin B6 in most cases results in stimulated hair growth. In most cases deficiency in folic acid causes complete baldness.

The main function of Vitamin E is to transport oxygen in the blood and improves the scalp circulation. Vitamin E will enhance the immune function and thereby the hair health gets improved. So we can say Vitamin E is another hair loss vitamin. Vitamin E can be consumed @ 400 IU daily.

We can call vitamin C also as hair loss vitamin since it improves circulation of the scalp and maintains all capillaries, which carry blood to the follicles. This vitamin may be consumed 5,000 mg daily.

Other hair loss vitamins are Biotin, Inositol, and B-Vitamins. Biotin maintains the health of the hair. You should eat plenty of food to prevent hair loss due to biotin deficiency. You can also consume 50 mg of Biotin twice daily through food. The following food contains a lot of biotin: bulgur, green peas, lentils, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, oats, bulgur, Brewer’s yeast and brown rice. Inositol is also considered a hair loss vitamin. To stimulate hair growth you should consume100 mg twice daily.

A deficiency of vitamin A may also be the cause of hair loss. Once the intake of Vitamin A is stabilized, the hair loss may be stopped.

For better growth of hairs, B vitamins are necessary. Among the B vitamins, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) are termed as hair loss vitamins. B vitamins are rich in food like bran, nuts, eggs, soybeans, cauliflower, carrots, peas, and beans. Intake of these vitamins will help to improve quality, texture, and growth of hair.

Hair Loss Shampoo

Did you know that nearly 30 million people around the world suffer from hair loss? That’s why this is considered to be a billion dollar industry because both men and women feel social embarrassment. Even though thousands of hair loss products are available on the market, hair loss shampoo is the widely used product.
Hair loss is very often heritable. It may also occur due to aging or hormonal imbalance. Since hair loss is heritable, it may be from your father's side or mother’s side. There is a common view that the hair loss is mainly from mother’s side but it is not true. Different hair loss treatments are available for different hair loss patterns. One among them is hair loss shampoo.

Many people suffering from hair loss are using hair loss shampoo, because it is the easiest way of treating hair loss. But in a lot of cases not the best! There are numerous varieties of hair loss shampoos available in drugstores. One among them is Dr.Proctor’s hair loss shampoo, which consists of natural ingredients, no chemicals are added. Statistics show that this product is the favorite hair loss shampoo. The second most popular hair loss shampoo is called Life Extension Shampoo.

Other commonly used hair loss shampoos are Viviscal, Hair Genesis, Thymuskin, Revivogen, nisim, and Tricomin. A research study confirms that Thymuskin hair loss shampoo is 95% effective in female and 67% in the male pattern baldness. Viviscal shampoo is also very popular. It treats thinning hair, hair loss, and proclaims overall health of the hair. Viviscal is also available as tablets, scalp lotion and conditioner apart from hair loss shampoo. Viviscal is extracted from marine, which provides the essential amino acids to the hair follicle to keep it healthier. Hair Genesis is not only available as hair loss shampoo, but also as an oral supplement, topical serum, and conditioner. This natural hair loss product helps to block the DHT by using the botanical DHT blockers to impede hair loss. It has to be used for at least 3 months before any positive effect is seen as a result of this treatment.

How does a hair loss shampoo work? Hair loss shampoo cleans the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil, and other wastes. These hair loss shampoos have thymus peptides that will diffuse deep into the hair follicles to remove the adhered dirt.

Hair Renew is one of the hair loss shampoos that are specially made for women. This hair loss shampoo cleanses the scalp, neutralizes the DHT in the scalp and also nourishes the hair follicles. DHT in the hair follicles blocks the available nutrients to the hair follicle which results in hair loss.

Be careful in selecting a hair loss shampoo, because some shampoos may harm your hair and may even provoke more hair loss than preventing it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Female Hair Loss- Is it a Real Problem?

Our culture is often quiet on the subject of female hair loss as there are so many jokes and commercials about baldness among man. Moreover, female hair loss is not a social acceptable condition as like that of men. One out of every five females is having thinning hair, but none of them knows the subject of female hair loss. It is really shocking to hear that.

The most common cause of hair loss in women is androgenetic alopecia.. In case your father, grandmother, or mother is suffering from hair loss, there is a possibility that you will have to deal with hair loss too. Apart from this, other predisposing factors causing female hair loss are severe stress, illness that includes special diet and medication (chemotherapy). It is also known that medication for diabetics might cause female hair loss.

It is very important that if you are a female suffering from hair loss, you should not panic immediately after noticing the hair loss because panicking will worsen the condition. If you are going to lose your hair, you are not loosing your friends and also your job.
Don’t feel alone; don’t lose hope there are 30 million other women suffering from female hair loss through out the world. Don’t lose your confidence and also be aware that you are not less beautiful than before! There are so many nice people in the world who will support you and you will also find a man that will look past your thinnning hair.

There are numerous options available on the market to deal with female hair loss. One among them is Rogaine. This product is one of the most popular medications for male baldness. It can also be used by females. It will cost you not more than $50 per month. This product has been widely used by women for female hair loss and has been found to slow down and, in some cases, even revert hair loss.

Some doctors prefer to prescribe treatments of estrogen for female hair loss. There is no proven research to confirm that lack of estrogen causes female hair loss.

Female hair loss pattern is entirely different from that of men. Instead of experiencing total hair loss, the female hair loss condition usually has small hair less patches and hair in this areas is getting thinner and thinner. Some women experience female hair loss immediately after parturition. In such case, the condition will get resolved once they have stopped nursing of their baby.

Female Hair Loss- a Real Nightmare?

In general Women’s hair loss does not result in total hair loss as like that of men. Even though women’s hair loss is partial, it is devastating for the individual when it does happen. The psychological impact of women’s hair loss is extensive when compared to men since women consider their hair as a vital part of their beauty and find it to be an important part of their outer appearance.

Women’s hair loss has different reasons. Heredity is one of those. Moreover the treatment of women’s hair loss is entirely different than that of men, because the medication offered for re-growth of hair may cause the growth of hair on other parts of the body such as chest, back, and face. Most women don't like facial hair growth :-)

Women suffering from hair loss need to consult a doctor to find out what causes the hair loss. Once the cause has been ascertained, the physician will be able to prescribe the suitable medication. For women’s hair loss, many physicians prescribe estrogen to correct the condition.

Women’s hair loss can be treated with glucocorticoids. Topical application of Minoxodil or Anthralin is the only recommended treatment available for women’s hair loss. Women’s hair loss in the initial stage can be treated well and the response to the treatment is also extremely good. So if you are losing hair, see a doctor as soon as possible.

An important condition called Androgenic alopecia is found to be affecting about 2% of the population. This condition causes complete hair loss all over the body. Women’s hair loss falling under this category is found to be difficult to cure. Doctors may prescribe certain medicines to reduce the symptoms of Androgenic alopecia.

Women which just gave birth to a child also suffer from hair loss very often. This type of hair loss is temporary and may stop within 6 months after birth. This is mainly due to the fact that there is a higher estrogen level during pregnancy, which might result in keeping the hair follicles in the growth phase. Immediately after childbirth, there is a sudden withdrawl of estrogen, which may cause the hair to enter into the hair loss phase. Hair may grow again after 6 months, but applying hair tonic may hasten re-growth of hair.

Sometimes crash diets may lead to women’s hair loss and also rapid weight loss over a short period. In addition to this, emotional and physical stress may also result in hair loss. Immediately after the alleviation of the stress, the hair falling will be stopped.

Frequent dyeing and chemicals e.g. Perming solutions used on hair may cause hair falling. This condition may occur when a woman uses chemicals very frequently. The hair begins to break off. The hair falling treatment products when applied on the scalp may strengthen the follicles.

Once you have identified the main cause of hair loss, choose the right treatment at the right time to ensure better hair growth. In most serious cases of women’s hair loss, it is always advisable to seek the help of a dermatologist for complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Easy Hair Loss Cure

A lot of men and women are looking for help to treat hair loss. It is a problem affecting one’s social life. Nearly 90% of the human population care a lot about their look. And in our society people without hair are very often considered not as beautiful or healthy as people with full, healthy looking hair.
Lotions, medicines, and shampoos are available to stop or prevent hair loss. Hair loss products can be purchased at drugstores or pharmacies. Some are only available by prescription. Which hair loss treatment to choose depends on what is causing the hair loss.
Hair loss is cured by medicating individuals that suffer from hair loss caused by aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. Dihydro testosterone otherwise called as DHT is found to be the main cause of hair loss. Excessive levels of DHT block the hair follicle and thereby provoking hair fall. This effect can be nullified by using DHT inhibitors such as 5-alpha reductase.
The common hair loss cure products available on the market are NuGen Hp, Revivogen, and Hair Genesis. All these drugs help a lot in blocking the DHT in the scalp and help preventing hair loss. Revivogen reduces DHT level in the scalp thereby reduces hair loss and promotes healthy re-growth of hairs.

NuGen Hp is a natural treatment available for hair loss. This product also helps a lot to block DHT in the scalp. By eating protein rich food and protein supplements, hair loss can be stopped or cured. During any remedial measure, it is always recommended to put a person on proper nutrition by ending abnormal eating habits.

Saw palmetto is an active ingredient of Hair Genesis which is very effective in preventing hair loss. Hence it is a natural DHT blocker and helps preventing male hair loss. Saw palmetto is a natural medication available for blocking DHT. There are lots of medications available on the market for preventing hair loss.
Hair loss cure is achieved by using conditioners, shampoo and scalp lotions. The common products that help are Revivogen, Viviscal, Folligen, Tricomin and Nisim. It is known fact that medicationa like Folligen directly supplies the nutrient copper.. Tricomin also contains nutrient copper. This product is available in Tricomin revitalizing shampoo, tricomin Restructuring conditioner, and Tricomin shampoo. It is a known fact that nutrient copper helps healthy growth of hair and prevents hair loss.

Minoxdil hair loss cure is also used to preventing hair loss. This drug is more useful among youngsters. Hair Renew is a product used for hair loss cure. The mode of action for this product is nourishing the hair follicles, cleansing the scalp, and neutralizing the DHT.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Commonly Available Hair Loss Help

Many women and men are looking for help to cure hair loss. It is a problem affecting one’s social life. Most of us feel that the outer appearance is an important thing to be successful. Hence there is great need for hair loss products..

Hair loss treatments are available in different forms such as medicines, lotions, and shampoos. To choose the drug that is right for you, you first need to figure out the cause of your hair loss. There are many reasons for losing hair: aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. DHT, Dihydrotestosterone is an important precursor for hair loss. DHT will block the flow of essential nutrient to the hair, which in turn stops healthy hair growth.

Saw Palmetto is a powerful herb that lowers the DHT in the body by 5 alpha-reductase blockades. Saw Palmetto stops hair loss by blocking the cell membrane receptor sites in the hair follicle where DHT might get absorbed.

Another herb called Nettle Root also provides hair loss cure by preventing two enzymes viz., aromatase and 5 alpha-reductase, which makes estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) respectively. Research confirmed that these two enzymes have been blocked completely by the Nettle Root extract.

A cure of hair loss can also be achieved by choosing the medications that block DHT. Hair Genesis, NuGen, and Revivogen are the most suitable medications to block DHT in the scalp. Out of these three products, Revivogen is the most popular one. It fights against the thinning of hair by minimizing the DHT level in the scalp.

Viviscal, Nisim, Folligen and Tricomin are the commonly available shampoos, scalp lotions and conditioners that help to stop hair loss. Viviscal is used extensively for curing hair loss. It is available in tablet form also. Folligen is available with copper peptides to treat hair loss. Tricomin is available in three forms as spray, shampoo and conditioner. It also contains copper.

Trace minerals such as Zinc and magnesium also help to stop hair loss. Zinc is mainly helpful in fighting against skin problems such as boils, sore throats and acne. In addition to this, Zinc plays a crucial role in cell division.

Though there are so many medicines are available to help treating hair loss, only two medications (Rogaine and Propecia) have been approved by the FDA. Rogaine and Propecia are used by men oll over the world to stop hair loss.

Biotin and Hair Loss- an Overview

It is onehundred percent true that Biotin plays an important role in the prevention of hair loss. According to nutritionists biotin is an important vitamin for hair growth. It is also highly advisable to take biotin in addition to other medcial treatments such Minoxidil, Poscar or Propecia.

Biotin and hair loss are inter related. Deficiency of biotin may cause unhealthy and breakage of hair, which might finally lead to hair loss. Biotin is an important component not only to new hair growth but also keeps the skin and nails in perfect health.

Try to avoid raw eggs in your diet since the high amount of protein contained in raw egg binds biotin and makes it non-available to the body which in turn causes deficiency of biotin and hair loss. Always use shampoo, which is enriched with biotin and silica for preventing hair loss.

Supplements are necessary to restore B12 levels, which will completely prevent hair loss. Since Biotin and hair loss are closely related, it is highly advisable to include biotin regularly in your food. Food containing a lot of biotin are egg yolks and liver. You would have to consume thousands of calories daily to get what your hair needs. That’s why I suggest biotin supplements.

People with blood type A don’t have the ability to absorb B vitamins. As we already know Biotin, a family member of Vitamin B, is required for hair growth. Adding high doses of 5—8 grams to your food twice daily will prevent hair loss extensively. No side effects are known.

Biotin and hair loss are closely related. So good food full of biotin include brewer’s yeast, green peas, oats, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green peas, bulgur and brown rice may definitely help to prevent hair loss.

You should be aware that persons with heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD that are taking antacids may absorb biotin less and hair loss may definitely occur. So avoid over-the-counter medications of antacids for better assimilation of Biotin and hair loss prevention.

Biotin is hair food! If you suffer from hair loss I highly recommend taking a biotin supplement and using a biotin enriched shampoo.

Best Hair Loss Products

Nowadays hair loss is not only a concern for males but also for females. Hair loss affects directly one’s self-confidence and also creates mental humiliation. Hence there are lots of really good hair loss products available on the market.

Hair growth products are available in many forms: natural essential oils, natural herbs, conventional drugs, shampoos, serums, lotions and conditioners. Nowadays there are so many hair loss products available on the market with the intention to stop or prevent hair loss. Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Rogainne are the commonly used best hair loss products. Finasteride is extensively used for treating hair loss and is sold in pharmacies as Propecia. This product should be used by men only.

Another very popular hair loss product is called Rogaine and is available at drugstores. Rogaine has to be applied twice daily for 3 to 4 months to get any positive results.

Minoxidil is very much used for hair loss among younger men. It is also considered to be a very effective hair loss product. But using hair loss products such as Minoxidil continually may lead to side effects such as a itchy scalp. There might be other complications if these products are used for hair loss treatment for a long time.

Dr.Proctor’s Hair re-growth shampoo is one of the best hair loss products made naturally without any chemical mixing. It has been widely used by hair loss sufferers due to its easy application. People around the world use re-growth shampoo for treating hair loss. There is another product called Life Extension Shampoo that supports healthy hair.

ViViscal shampoo, Thymuskin, and Hair genesis are some of the best hair loss products, which are used for hair treatment. Thymuskin is more effective (95%)) in female than male (67%) for treating hair loss. This hair loss shampoo clears the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil and other waste. The main advantage of thymuskin is that it consists of thymus peptides that diffuse deep into the hair follicles to clean them.

Viviscal shampoo also helped a lot of people treating hair loss. This shampoo helps to maintain the hair hale and healthy. Apart from this, the shampoo treats hair loss and thinning of hair. Viviscal products are available in all forms including scalp lotion, conditioner and tablets. Hair genesis products are also available as conditioner, topical serum, oral supplements, and hair re growth shampoo. Hair genesis is especially favored by females. The main action of Hair Genesis is stopping the action of DHT blockers. Revivogen, Tricomin, and Nisim products are also available for treating hair loss.